Support the researchI address to all those who undertook the quest of searching the new! Our world follows the path of technological development, therefore all intents to describe the astral plane with occult theories and practices often face lack of understanding. I consider the path of personal spiritual development to be correct, but self perfection alone will not provide a significant leap in development. We need to search for a simpler way of detection and development of the human capacity. My name is Alexey Lyanguzov. Since 1998 I study metaphysical capacities of a man on the physical and astral planes. The out of body experiences are usually used to study the relationship of the physical world with astral plane, to search the conditions of their contact and interaction. 10 years have provided the practical experience and theoretical basis sufficient to begin serious research. Even now I have feasible ideas of devices and mechanisms which enable a common person to extent his abilities. Further information about research areas » I offer everyone to participate in further research and technology development.
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